We offer 3 types of campaigns for you to promote FanVictor.
Simply copy and paste the code snippets from our marketing tools in to your existing website and begin earning money. 50% Commision on all sales!
Once you get our ads on your site, your vistors will have access to our Fantasy sports plugin. With every purchase of FanVictor services from your site, you will receive 50% commision on each & every sale. Gauranteed!

Billion's of dollars are spent on playing Fantasy Sports. Stake your claim & get in on the action!
Affiliate marketing is considered to be one of the world’s fastest growing and best internet marketing techniques to earn money online. Combine that with one of the biggest & fastest growing industries - Fantasy Sports & start making money today!
If you make enough money then you don’t have to worry about going to work at the same time every day or getting stuck in traffic. You can work in the comfort of your own home & choose your own hours!
A regular job can give you a fixed income as long as you continue to work. Depending on your marketing skill Affiliate marketing can create a steady flow of income even when you are not in front of your computer.
Marketing on the internet is cheap and you don’t have to worry about the production cost as the product is already developed by the seller. You don’t need a physical business location or hire employees either.
Once you have registered with ClickBank you will now be able to utilize all our banner ads & start making money. Don't forget to add your affiliate url to our code snippets!!! Replace the XXXXX with your affiliate link.

<img border="0"src="http://fanvictor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/banner4.png"></a>

<a target="_blank" href="http://XXXXX.fanvictor.hop.clickbank.net"><img border="0" src="http://fanvictor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/banner5.png"></a>
<a target="_blank"href="http://XXXXX.fanvictor.hop.clickbank.net">
<img border="0"
Email Subject:
Create a Fantasy Sports site in minutes.
Email Body:
Have you ever wanted to run your own fantasy sports website? Now you can with an amazing new WordPress plugin called “Fan Victor”. This groundbreaking new plugin is a complete turn-key solution.
Start making money today in the biggest sports niche today. It's so simple to install, and a breeze to use.
Everything is completely automated to allow YOU the site owner to cash in immediately. Check out FanVictor.com for more details and start making money today.
Email Template Two:
Email Subject:
A Highly Profitable Secret Web Page (only for your eyes)
Email Body:
Hi (first_name),
I've been making money online, everyday now. And I've been keeping my highly profitable "secret" to make money online. But right now...I'm going to let you in on this "secret".
It'll take you less than 10 minutes to get started and you'll be in business!
Talk soon.
(Your name)
P.S. Check this out to really believe it:
Custom email template:
Once you have registered with ClickBank you will now be able to utilize all our banner ads & start making money. Don't forget to add your affiliate url to our code snippets!!! Replace the XXXXX with your affiliate link.
No problem. Our dedicated support team will help you get started. We can help you with any questions you may have. We also will help you embed our ads correctly to your site. We also can create custom email templates with graphics for more of a WOW factor in your marketing campaign. We want you to succed so we can suceed!