If you are a developer, you can use our data API's to get and set data. Â Get the schedules, results, player info all by REST API. Â You can also store your contests on our servers and have them automated as well. Â Create your own plugin or game using our API's.
If you are a developer, Â you still need a valid license.
If you have any questions please email support at support@fanvictor.com
Api Documentation
ï getIsOrganizationExist
Description: check if an organization is exist or not.
Method: GET
Return: true or false
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/isOrganizationExist/api_token Parameters:
o orgID (interger - require): the input organization ID. Example:
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/isOrganizationExist/api_token?orgID=1" $client = $this->getRestClient("GET", $url);
ï getIsSportExist
Description: check if a sport is exist or not.
Method: GET
Return: true or false
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/isSportExist/api_token Parameters:
o type (sport - require): the input sport name.
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/ isSportExist /api_token?type=MMA" $client = $this->getRestClient("GET", $url);
ï getOrganization
Description: get list organization.
Method: GET
Return: json
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/organization/api_token Parameters:
o orgID (int): return list organization match organization ID.
o sport (string): return list organization match sport name.
o setting (string): if setting is given and set true, it will return list organization
that were activated. Example:
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/ organization/api_token?orgID=1&sport=MMA&setting=true"
$client = $this->getRestClient("GET", $url);
ï getSport
Description: get list sport.
Method: GET
Return: json
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/sport/api_token Parameters:
o setting (string): if setting is given and set true, it will return list sport that were activated.
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/ sport /api_token?setting=true" $client = $this->getRestClient("GET", $url);
ï postUpdateOrgsActive
Description: active or unactive an organization.
Method: POST
Return: true or false
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/updateOrgsActive/api_token Parameters:
o orgID (int - require): the input organization id. Example:
$data = array('organizationID' => $orgID, 'is_active' => $is_active); $url = $this->api_url."/updateOrgsActive/".$this->api_token; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï getPools
Description: get list pools.
Method: GET
Return: json
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/pools/api_token Parameters:
o poolID (int): the input pool ID, return a pool matched the id.
o orgID (int): the input organization ID, return list pool matched organization ID. o isNew (string): if isNew is given and set true, it will return pools that have
status is NEW.
o all (string):: if all is given and set true, it will return all pools include admin
server pools. Example:
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/pools/api_token?poolID=1&orgID=2&isNew=true&all=true"
$client = $this->getRestClient("GET", $url);
ï getTotalCurrentPools Description: get list pools. Method: GET
Return: json
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/ totalCurrentPools/api_token Parameters:
o orgID (int): the input organization ID, return list pool matched organization ID. o all (string): if all is given and set true, it will return all pools include admin
server pools. Example:
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/totalCurrentPools/api_token? orgID=2
$client = $this->getRestClient("GET", $url);
ï postPoolsByFilter
Description: get list pools (use for paging, filter, sorting). Method: POST
Return: json
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/poolsByFilter/api_token Parameters:
o aConds (string): the input condition string. o sSort (string): the input sorting string.
o iPage (int): page number.
o iLimit (int): number of record per page.
o statistic (string): if statistic is given and set true, it will return pools include leagues (use for statistic)
$data = array("aConds" => "sport = MMA", "sSort" => "poolID DESC", "iPage" => 1, "iLimit" => 10, "statistic" => "true");
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/poolsByFilter/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï postAddPools
Description: add a new pool.
Method: POST
Return: pool ID
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/addPools/api_token Parameters:
o poolName (string - require): the input pool name.
o startDate (datetime - require): the input start date.
o cutDate (datetime - require): the input end date.
o organization (int - require): the input organization ID. o type (string - require): the input sport name.
$data = array("poolName" => "pool1", "startDate" => "2014-10-05 19:00:00", "cutDate" => "2014-10-05 23:00:00", "organization" => 2, "type" => "MMA");
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/addPools/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï postAddLivePool
Description: set live pool.
Method: POST
Return: true or false
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/addLivePool/api_token Parameters:
o poolID: the input pool ID. Example:
$data = array("poolID" => 1);
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/addLivePool/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï postDeleteLivePool Description: unset live pool. Method: POST
Return: true or false
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/deleteLivePool/api_token Parameters:
o poolID: the input pool ID. Example:
$data = array("poolID" => 1);
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/deleteLivePool/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï postUpdatePools
Description: update pool values.
Method: POST
Return: true or false
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/updatePools/api_token Parameters:
o poolID (int - require): the input pool ID.
o poolName (string - require): the input pool name.
o startDate (datetime - require): the input start date.
o cutDate (datetime - require): the input end date.
o organization (int - require): the input organization ID. o type (string - require): the input sport name.
$data = array("poolID " => 1, "poolName" => "pool1", "startDate" => "2014- 10-05 19:00:00", "cutDate" => "2014-10-05 23:00:00", "organization" => 2, "type" => "MMA");
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/deleteLivePool/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï postDeletePools
Description: delete pool.
Method: POST
Return: true or false
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/deletePools/api_token Parameters:
o poolID (int - require): the input pool ID. Example:
$data = array("poolID " => 1);
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/deletePools/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï postUpdatePoolComplete
Description: complete a pool.
Method: POST
Return: true or false
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/updatePoolComplete/api_token Parameters:
o poolID (int - require): the input pool ID. Example:
$data = array("poolID " => 1);
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/updatePoolComplete/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï getUserWonHistory
Description: get user award history.
Method: GET
Return: json
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/userWonHistory/api_token Example:
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/userWonHistory/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("GET", $url); $client->send(false);
ï getFights
Description: get list fights.
Method: GET
Return: json
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/fights/api_token Parameters:
o poolID (int): the input pool ID, return list fights matched the pool id.
o fightID (int): the input fight ID, return a fight matched the id.
o all (string): if all is given and set true, it will return all fights include admin
server fights. Example:
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/fights/api_token?poolID=2&fightID=1&all=true";
$client = $this->getRestClient("GET", $url);
ï postAddFights
Description: add a new fight. Method: POST
Return: fight id
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/addFights/api_token Parameters:
o poolID (int - require): the input pool ID.
o name (int - require): the input fight name. o fighterID1 (int): the input fighter ID 1.
o fighterID2 (int): the input fighter ID 2.
o champFight (string): YES or NO.
o amateurFight (string): YES or NO.
o mainFight (string): YES or NO.
o prelimFight (string): YES or NO.
o rounds (int)
$data = array("poolID" => 1, "name" => "a vs b", "fighterID1" => 2, "fighterID2" => 3);
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/addFights/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï postUpdateFights
Description: update fight values.
Method: POST
Return: true or false
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/updateFights/api_token Parameters:
o fightID (int - require):: the input fight ID. o poolID (int - require): the input pool ID.
o name (int - require): the input fight name. o fighterID1 (int): the input fighter ID 1.
o fighterID2 (int): the input fighter ID 2. o champFight (string): YES or NO.
o amateurFight (string): YES or NO.
o mainFight (string): YES or NO.
o prelimFight (string): YES or NO.
o rounds (int) Example:
$data = array("fightID" => 1, "poolID" => 1, "name" => "a vs b", "fighterID1" => 2, "fighterID2" => 3);
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/updateFights/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï postDeleteFights
Description: delete pool.
Method: POST
Return: true or false
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/deleteFights/api_token Parameters:
o poolID (int): the input pool ID. o fightID (int): the input fight ID.
$data = array("fightID" => 1, "poolID" => 1);
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/deleteFights/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï getIsFighterExist
Description: check if a fighter is exist or not.
Method: GET
Return: true or false
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/isFighterExist/api_token Parameters:
o fighterID (int - require): the input fighter id. Example:
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/isFighterExist/api_token?fighterID=2"; $client = $this->getRestClient("GET", $url);
ï getFighters
Description: get list fighters.
Method: GET
Return: json
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/pools/api_token Parameters:
o fighterID (int): the input fighter ID, return a fighter matched the id.
o orgsID (int): the input organization ID, return list fighters matched organization
o all (string): if all is given and set true, it will return all fighters include admin
server fighters. Example:
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/pools/api_token?fighterID=2&orgsID=2&all=true";
$client = $this->getRestClient("GET", $url);
ï postFightersByFilter
Description: get list fighters (use for paging, filter, sorting). Method: POST
Return: json
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/fightersByFilter/api_token Parameters:
o aConds (string): the input condition string. o sSort (string): the input sorting string.
o iPage (int): page number.
o iLimit (int): number of record per page.
$data = array("aConds" => "sport = MMA", "sSort" => "fighterID DESC", "iPage" => 1, "iLimit" => 10);
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/fightersByFilter/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï getMethods
Description: get list methods.
Method: GET
Return: json
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/methods/api_token Parameters:
o methodID (int): the input method ID, return a method matched the id. Example:
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/methods/api_token?methodID=2 "; $client = $this->getRestClient("GET", $url);
ï getMinutes
Description: get list minutes.
Method: GET
Return: json
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/minutes/api_token
o minuteID (int): the input minute ID, return a minute matched the id.
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/minutes/api_token?minuteID=2 "; $client = $this->getRestClient("GET", $url);
ï postAddFighters
Description: add a new fighter.
Method: POST
Return: fighter id
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/addFighters/api_token Parameters:
o name (string - require): the input name. o nickName (string): the input nick name. o age (int): the input age.
o fightCamp (string): the input fightCamp. o strengths (int): the input strengths.
o homepageLink (string): the input homepageLink. o height (string): the input height.
o weight (string): the input weight.
o record (string): the input record.
$data = array("name" => "Fighter 1");
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/addFighters/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï postUpdateFighters
Description: update fighter values.
Method: POST
Return: true or false
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/updateFighters/api_token Parameters:
o fighterID: the input fighter id.
o name (string - require): the input name.
o nickName (string): the input nick name.
o age (int): the input age.
o fightCamp (string): the input fightCamp.
o strengths (int): the input strengths.
o homepageLink (string): the input homepageLink. o height (string): the input height.
o weight (string): the input weight.
o record (string): the input record.
$data = array("fighterID" => 1, "name" => "Fighter 1");
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/updateFighters/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï postDeleteFighters
Description: delete fighter.
Method: POST
Return: true or false
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/deleteFighters/api_token Parameters:
o fighterID (int - require): the input fighter id. Example:
$data = array("fighterID" => 1);
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/deleteFighters/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï getIsTeamExist
Description: check if a team is exist or not.
Method: GET
Return: true or false
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/isTeamExist/api_token Parameters:
o teamID (int - require): the input team ID. Example:
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/isTeamExist/api_token?teamID=2"; $client = $this->getRestClient("GET", $url);
ï getTeams
Description: get list teams.
Method: GET
Return: json
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/teams/api_token Parameters:
o teamID (int): the input team ID, return a team matched the id.
o orgsID (int): the input organization ID, return list teams matched organization
o all (string): if all is given and set true, it will return all teams include admin
server teams. Example:
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/teams/api_token?teamID=2& orgsID =2& all =true";
$client = $this->getRestClient("GET", $url);
ï postTeamsByFilter
Description: get list teams (use for paging, filter, sorting). Method: POST
Return: json
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/teamsByFilter/api_token Parameters:
o aConds (string): the input condition string. o sSort (string): the input sorting string.
o iPage (int): page number.
o iLimit (int): number of record per page.
$data = array("aConds" => "organization_id = 1", "sSort" => "teamID DESC", "iPage" => 1, "iLimit" => 10);
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/teamsByFilter/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï postAddTeams
Description: add a new team.
Method: POST
Return: team id
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/addTeams/api_token Parameters:
o name (string - require): the input name.
o nickName (string): the input nick name.
o organization_id (int): the input organization id.
o homepageLink (string): the input home page link. o cityname (string): the input city name.
o teamname (string): the input team name.
o record (string): the input record.
$data = array("organization_id" => 1, "name" => "team 1"); $url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/addTeams/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï postUpdateTeams
Description: update team values.
Method: POST
Return: true or false
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/updateTeams/api_token Parameters:
o teamID: the input team id.
o name (string - require): the input name.
o nickName (string): the input nick name.
o organization_id (int): the input organization id.
o homepageLink (string): the input home page link. o cityname (string): the input city name.
o teamname (string): the input team name.
o record (string): the input record.
$data = array("teamID" => 1, "organization_id" => 1, "name" => "team 1"); $url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/updateTeams/api_token";
$client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï postDeleteTeams
Description: delete team.
Method: POST
Return: true or false
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/deleteTeams/api_token Parameters:
o teamID (int - require): the input team id. Example:
$data = array("teamID" => 1);
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/deleteTeams/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï getLeagues
Description: get list leagues.
Method: GET
Return: json
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/leagues/api_token Parameters:
o poolID (int): the input pool id, return list leagues matched pool id. Example:
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/leagues/api_token?poolID=2"; $client = $this->getRestClient("GET", $url); $client->send(false);
ï postUpdateLeague
Description: update league values.
Method: POST
Return: true or false
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/updateLeague/api_token Parameters:
o leagueID (int - require): the input league id. o fixtures (int - require): the input fixtures.
$data = array("leagueID" => 1, "fixtures" => "101,102,103"); $url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/deleteTeams/api_token"; $client = $this->getRestClient("POST", $url);
ï getUserpicks
Description: get list leagues.
Method: GET
Return: json
Command: http://fanvictor.com/admin/userpicks/api_token Parameters:
o leagueID: the input league id, return list userpicks that matched league id. Example:
$url = "http://fanvictor.com/admin/userpicks/api_token?leagueID=2"; $client = $this->getRestClient("GET", $url);